Sunday, May 24, 2015

sorry I haven't been posting lately I've just gotten very busy these days. This week has been really hard for me considering it's Shark Week. I'm now at approximately 30 pounds lost which is very motivating but what is even more motivating is the fact that I'm now fitting into clothing that used to be too small for me.

I've started making smoothies which are delicious.

this weekend was a little difficult for me because I went to visit my mother. I  ended up eating some white bread as well as popcorn at the movie theater however I tried to watch my portions and I made sure that I got water instead of Pop.  I also made sure I got a small popcorn lol. I haven't weighed myself yet however I did come home and work out so I feel hopeful.

here is an awesome chocolate smoothie recipe:
1 banana (frozen)
1 cup almond milk (any flavor but dark chocolate is my favorite)
2 tbs cocoa powder
1 tbs nut butter

You can add chia seeds or greens if you want. I do! You can also add cinnamon or instant coffee granules if you're feeling fancy.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Body positivity and Body shaming (my thoughts)

Since I started this journey I have had 2 people unfollow me on Instagram. These are people who had followed me for a very long time and considered themselves to be body positivity warriors. #riotsnotdiets was the popular hashtag used by one. But I have a question:

Is shaming someone who chooses to exercise and eat healthy (read: diet) not body shaming? How can you promote positivity if you make those who choose to better themselves feel like what they are doing is wrong? 

Being body positive means you accept ALL bodies. ALL BODIES ARE GOOD BODIES!! 

Whether you're 400 lbs, 115 lbs, handicapable, blind, short, tall, male, female, or a transgender person, ALL OF YOUR BODIES ARE GOOD!!!! 

It infuriates me to the point of tears to be made to feel like I cannot be part of this movement because I want to change MY body. MY BODY IS MY BUSINESS!! I do not body police. I do not tell people to lose weight, gain weight or tell them what to eat. I simply share my journey with my friends and family because to be quite frank: without their support I'm not sure where I would be. 

I have struggled with eating disorders all my life. Binge eating in particular. I could not control myself sometimes. I had to finish everything on my plate. Fast food was a huge part of the problem. If it was fast, it was easy to grab and eat (and we all know how large those portions are). Now I finally have a handle on my addiction and I am being made to feel like I cannot be part of a community that has inspired me for over a year. 

You know what? I AM BODY POSITIVE!!! I AM A FUCKING PIZZA SISTER 4 LYFE no matter what. 

Saturday, May 2, 2015

So this week I lost another 2 lbs which brings me to 23 lbs total lost. Woohoo!! 

This was, however, that week of the month so I was kinda bad. I had chicken wings on Monday night, chocolate on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday night. 

I walked as much as possible and was able to do almost 3 miles Thursday night which took me about 56 minutes. This was due to my feet hurting. I have shin splints which are no fun and they make it hard to walk long distances. I hope that when I lose a bit more weight they won't hurt as much.

Eating clean can be really hard when PMS strikes but I have found a couple items to really help. 

Firstly: chia seeds. They have a magnesium which is supposed to be great for helping cramps. They also have 3 times the amount of Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids. They help stabilize blood sugar, are rich in antioxidants, are a complete protein, good source of vitamin B, calcium, phosphorous, potassium, zinc and copper.  Once inside your body they also help you stay hydrated longer and retain electrolytes. 

Secondly: Dark chocolate almond milk. OMG it's heavenly. It's also a great source of calcium, vitamin D and has 50% of your daily vitamin B12 intake. 

Not much else to report other than I ache all over lol!! Gonna be working harder next week to stay on track as far as food goes. 

Tex Mex egg scramble with guacamole

Spicy chili with avocado

Evil Chicken Wings!