Saturday, May 9, 2015

Body positivity and Body shaming (my thoughts)

Since I started this journey I have had 2 people unfollow me on Instagram. These are people who had followed me for a very long time and considered themselves to be body positivity warriors. #riotsnotdiets was the popular hashtag used by one. But I have a question:

Is shaming someone who chooses to exercise and eat healthy (read: diet) not body shaming? How can you promote positivity if you make those who choose to better themselves feel like what they are doing is wrong? 

Being body positive means you accept ALL bodies. ALL BODIES ARE GOOD BODIES!! 

Whether you're 400 lbs, 115 lbs, handicapable, blind, short, tall, male, female, or a transgender person, ALL OF YOUR BODIES ARE GOOD!!!! 

It infuriates me to the point of tears to be made to feel like I cannot be part of this movement because I want to change MY body. MY BODY IS MY BUSINESS!! I do not body police. I do not tell people to lose weight, gain weight or tell them what to eat. I simply share my journey with my friends and family because to be quite frank: without their support I'm not sure where I would be. 

I have struggled with eating disorders all my life. Binge eating in particular. I could not control myself sometimes. I had to finish everything on my plate. Fast food was a huge part of the problem. If it was fast, it was easy to grab and eat (and we all know how large those portions are). Now I finally have a handle on my addiction and I am being made to feel like I cannot be part of a community that has inspired me for over a year. 

You know what? I AM BODY POSITIVE!!! I AM A FUCKING PIZZA SISTER 4 LYFE no matter what. 

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