Saturday, May 2, 2015

So this week I lost another 2 lbs which brings me to 23 lbs total lost. Woohoo!! 

This was, however, that week of the month so I was kinda bad. I had chicken wings on Monday night, chocolate on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday night. 

I walked as much as possible and was able to do almost 3 miles Thursday night which took me about 56 minutes. This was due to my feet hurting. I have shin splints which are no fun and they make it hard to walk long distances. I hope that when I lose a bit more weight they won't hurt as much.

Eating clean can be really hard when PMS strikes but I have found a couple items to really help. 

Firstly: chia seeds. They have a magnesium which is supposed to be great for helping cramps. They also have 3 times the amount of Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids. They help stabilize blood sugar, are rich in antioxidants, are a complete protein, good source of vitamin B, calcium, phosphorous, potassium, zinc and copper.  Once inside your body they also help you stay hydrated longer and retain electrolytes. 

Secondly: Dark chocolate almond milk. OMG it's heavenly. It's also a great source of calcium, vitamin D and has 50% of your daily vitamin B12 intake. 

Not much else to report other than I ache all over lol!! Gonna be working harder next week to stay on track as far as food goes. 

Tex Mex egg scramble with guacamole

Spicy chili with avocado

Evil Chicken Wings!

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